Start off Self-Improvement Month with a Clean Closet
September is self-improvement month and what better way to honor it than by de-cluttering a space in your home. Studies show that a cluttered house can lead to a cluttered mind. So if your head feels a bit busy and disorganized, chances are your space is too! Don’t panic, you don’t have to organize everything all at once, but every little bit counts. Start off with a bang, perhaps in an area we all tend to over-store: the closet.

A closet to covet! Photo Cred: Buzz Feed
First, pull EVERYTHING out and breathe. Seeing everything in the open can be a bit alarming, but keep on keepin’ on—everything will be OK. Sort items into three piles: donate, keep, and discard. If you are having a bit of trouble letting go, apply the #KonMari method and ask yourself, “does this item spark joy?” When all else fails, employ a trusty friend to help with tough decision-making.
Try to fold as many clothes as possible (vertically to save space) and only hang items that are subject to wrinkling (think blouses and trousers). Use shoe boxes or dividers to organize smaller items (think socks, underwear and braws) into one drawer.
For hanging clothes, use slim-line hangers. They are a serious space-savers and the felt prevents your clothes from sliding off.

Hangers: Bed Bath and Beyond 50 for $29.99
Use a hanging storage accessory for your scarves. I find that hanging them saves additional space, rather than keeping them folded in a drawer or bin. This also allows you to take inventory of the scarves you have. Try using a scarf organizer that separates your scarves, rather than draping them over one another. I am in love with these pendant scarf organizers at the Container Store for $14.99.

Shoe storage solutions always vary from client to client. It depends on the amount of shoes, type (boots, heels, tennies, etc.), closet space, and preference for storage (some clients like keeping all their shoes in their original boxes). Take into consideration the space you are working with. Options include: hanging shoes on the inside of your closet door (beware, not all hooks will fit over the door), hang shoes alongside clothes, or you can opt to store your shoes on the floor using two or three-teired shelving (I usually try to store everything off the floor, but sometimes this is the only thing that works). I personally do a combination of storing some shoes on my built-in shoe shelves with my casual sneakers stored vertically in a canvas bin.

Speaking of canvas bins, these are lovely little helpers in keeping a space looking bright, clean, and organized. As I previously mentioned, I use these bad boys to store everything from shoes to purses, and even sheets (I don’t have a linen closet, le sigh). You can get them in varying sizes at any home goods store.

Once you get your closet in order you may find that you have the energy to organize another space in your home…But if not, pat yourself on your back and be grateful for your hard work.